mardi 4 septembre 2012

FirstAid pose pack

Pack de 21 poses compatible avec la pose list

a_clarisse_firstaid_01a et a_clarisse_firstaid_01b

a_clarisse_firstaid_02a et a_clarisse_firstaid_02b
a_clarisse_firstaid_03a et a_clarisse_firstaid_03b
a_clarisse_firstaid_03a et a_clarisse_firstaid_03b et a_clarisse_firstaid_09
a_clarisse_firstaid_04 et a_clarisse_firstaid_03b et a_clarisse_firstaid_10
a_clarisse_firstaid_10 et a_clarisse_firstaid_08
a_clarisse_firstaid_12 et a_clarisse_firstaid_11 et a_clarisse_firstaid_13

a_clarisse_firstaid_06a et a_clarisse_firstaid_06b

a_clarisse_firstaid_07a et a_clarisse_firstaid_07b

a_clarisse_firstaid_14a et a_clarisse_firstaid_14b



11 commentaires:

  1. OMG!!! Do you have any idea how awesome this pack is? The very last pose especially! I have needed something like that for a long time! Love that I found this! Thank you :)

    1. I'm very happy that you found the pose you're looking for.
      If they help you in one of your stories, i'll be very happy because i'm a great fan. :)

  2. Very nice! Thank you for sharing :)
    The last pose is great! It would be awesome as a help the drunkard ^_^

  3. Thanks :) one of the next poses will be drunk poses, i'll have only to take pictures for the thumbmails and add them to the pose list.
    I'm trying to have 5 poses pack in advance.;)

  4. I absolutely love these. OH, great I may have to re-write one of my chapters. Good Job!!!

    1. I'm sorry you have to re-write your chapters. I hope you don't already take pictures ;)

  5. No that is a good thing, and no I didn't take any pictures. I would have never thought of these. Awesome Job!!

  6. This is so great, I'll be def using most of these, 3 and 14 are my favorites. Thanks for sharing them.

    1. Thank you Valpre for your comment. I'm pleased to take a little part in one of your stories. ;)
